Our Projects
We are driving the advancement of decarbonisation processes in line with energy transformation through Innovation-driven projects, policy contributions and ecosystem building activities. Twin digital and energy transition paves our way forward.
Ongoing Projects
Enercoutim is currently participating in two projects of the Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation projects, OneNet and BD4NRG.
One Net: This project aims to move the electrical grid from a centralized system to a highly decentralized system. This project aims to move the electrical grid from a centralized system to a highly decentralized system. In order to do so, new markets, products and services will be proposed while building a customer centric approach to the grid operation.
BD4NRG: Current decentralized energy systems produce enormous amounts of data creating an opportunity to use big data & AI technologies to improve decision making and increase the value of existing energy systems. To exploit this untapped potential the BD4NRG project will deliver a reference architecture for Smart Energy, integrate technology enablers, create an AI-based big data analytics toolbox and finally validate the proposed solutions in 13 large scale pilots.
Successfully Finished Projects
Two of these projects, namely VICINITY and Shar-Q, were European funded large projects, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme. The local and regional stakeholders have been involved in the development of these solutions, and a periodic dedicated newsletter has been circulated among them to ensure that information of the activities are well perceived.
Another project developed in the Algarve was EETur – Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Tourism Buildings. This project identified energy efficiency measures that can be applied to hotels and resorts, identified best practices and developed a roadmap for stimulating the competitiveness of the Algarve tourism infrastructures through energy efficiency.
Contact Us
We always look for new collaborations and new team members. Get in touch and lets make the energy transition journey together.