Culatra 2030 – Sustainable Energy Community

The Culatra 2030 project aims to create a pilot community in renewable energies on Culatra Island, Ria Formosa, Algarve. The project has three main objectives: (1) To position the Algarve region as a center of excellence in research and training in renewable energy; (2) Create effective bridges between the local community, research in the renewable sector and businesses in the region; and (3) To promote environmental sustainability, the adaptation of the island to climate change and contribute to the emergence of projects that stimulate the circular economy.

Why Culatra Island?
This is the ideal place to test a new economic model that works in closed circuit, minimizing material consumption and energy losses. A true “Circular Economy” that allows the environmental sustainability of the island and the imminent need to adapt to climate change. The challenge is that all the island’s structures can be energy efficient and have minimal energy consumption. The community should produce energy from exclusively renewable sources, favor electric mobility and have sustainable living habits and practices. The community must manage its energy system, produce water for self-consumption and value its waste.

What is the context?
The Paris Agreement recognizes that islands are particularly vulnerable to climate change and are highly dependent on fossil fuels and energy imports. About 15 million Europeans live on the 2400 islands of Europe. Many of these islands are small isolated systems and small markets. They have the potential to be precursors in the transition to clean energy by adopting new technologies and applying innovative solutions. The European Commission’s initiative “Clean Energies for the European Islands” has three main objectives:
1. Promote energy self-sufficiency of the islands;
2. Encourage the reduction of dependence on imported fossil fuels, alleviating the pressure exerted on public budgets;
3. Provide the best available and tailored solutions on a case-by-case basis with a view to promoting renewable energy in the islands.

Who are the promoters?
This is a joint initiative sponsored by the Center for Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Algarve, Enercoutim and the Culatra Island Residents Association, but which aims to motivate policy-makers and regional companies to test a new energy model. environmental sustainability that can be replicated in other contexts.

How can you know more?
On November 14, the city of Albufeira hosts the seminar on “Paths to Competitiveness and Regional Intelligent Specialization”, promoted by the Regional Development Coordination Commission of CCDR Algarve. In this session, which will take place at the Hall of the Municipal Councils of Albufeira at 3:15 pm in panel I “For a more competitive and intelligent Algarve”, the project will be presented by André Pacheco, CIMA researcher (

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How can you help and / or participate?
Share this feed for your contacts. If you represent a company or environmental association and want to participate in the project contact us: (André Pacheco, CIMA) or (Marc Retcher, ENERCOUTIM)

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