Smart Region Summit

Enercoutim participated in the first Smart Region Summit organised by the Association of Municipalities of the Algarve, and hosted by Parkalgar at the Algarve International Race Track last 18 and 19 of May.
The event was a success with a large number of companies and entities from the public sector exhibiting their projects and capabilities around smart mobility, smart city and smart energy solutions. It functioned as an excellent kick-off to the creation of an eco-system around sustainable practices in the region, driven by end-user focused solutions supported by distributed technologies and business models.
The conference part of the Summit saw a number of important communications from a range of high quality national and international speakers. These included MEP Carlos Zorrinho, Secretary of State for Industry and Innovation João Vasconcelos, President of CCDR Francisco Serra, President and Vice-President of AMAL Jorge Botelho and Rui André.
Enercoutim hosted a stand at which it exhibited its European innovation projects, VICINITY and SHAR-Q, the IoT building analytics solution by its partner Serinus Technology, and its urban safety system Solis jointly with partner Quiz Ambiente. Furthermore, Marc Rechter launched the challenge for the creation of a regional Zero Carbon Hydrogen eco-system under the project Algarve1 which Enercoutim is developing with electrolyser technology partners of H2B2.
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