Enercoutim Participates In Another European Project

On the 4th of July 2018, the kick-off meeting of project PEARLS (Planning and Engagement Arenas for Renewable Energy Landscapes) took place at the University of Seville. Enercoutim is a partner is this project, coordinated by USE and involving 13 partners from 5 European countries. PEARLS is co-financed by the Horizon 2020 programme Marie-Slodowska Curie and it has the duration of 4 years.

PEARLS will explore how renewable energy infrastructures affect the landscape and how changes in the landscape affect people’s acceptance or resistance towards renewable energies penetration. The project will develop better understanding of how to involve the populations in the planning of renewable energies infrastructures.

The project is in line with the mission of Enercoutim, namely participating actively in the energy transition and contributing to the decarbonisation, decentralisation and digitalisation of the energy systems.

In fact, the consumer is at the centre of the energy transition, and project PEARLS will develop tools for identifying and overcoming potential friction points regarding the population and renewable energy equipments that alter natural and urban landscapes. Enercoutim will acquire new knowledge and experience in tackling social perceptions towards the energy transition, which will be most valuable when developing initiatives in the future.

The work will be carried out through close cooperation between academic and non-academic partners across Europe. Enercoutim will work closely with the University of Seville, seconding staff for two months starting in September. Enercoutim will also receive researchers from Spain and Greece throughout the project. The University of Seville is the largest in Andalucia (with over 60.000 students) and the third in Spain.

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